10.04.28 DB 실습

Study/Oracle 2011. 9. 3. 23:54
select s.sname, c.cname, e.final
from student s, course c, enrol e
where s.sno=e.sno and c.cno=e.cno and e.final>=90
order by c.cname , sname desc

select cno, avg(final) as 기말평균
from enrol
group by cno

select sno , count(cno)
from enrol
group by sno

select cno, avg(final) as 평균
from enrol
group by cno
having count(*)>=3

select cno, avg(final) as 기말평균
from enrol
group by cno
having avg(final)>=90

select cno, avg(final) as 평균
from enrol
group by cno
having count(*)>=3 and avg(final)>=90

select sname
from student
where sno in
 (select sno
 from enrol
 where cno='c413')

select sname
from student
where sno not in
 (select sno
 from enrol
 where cno='c413')

select sname, dept
from student
where dept = 
 (select dept
 from student
 where sname='정기태')

select sno,cno
from enrol
where final>=all
 (select final
 from enrol
 where sno=500)

select cno,cname
from course
where cno like 'c%'

select dept
from course
where dept like '전%'

select prname
from course
where prname like '이%'

select cno
from course
where cno like 'c3________'

select sno,sname
from student
where dept is null

select sname, dept
from student
where sno not in
 (select sno
 from enrol
 where cno='c324')

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